Volume – 03, Issue – 01, Page : 01-15

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Date of Publication
27th January 2023
Abstract :
Central banks occupy an indispensable role in the pursuit of crucial economic objectives that underpin a nation’s financial stability and prosperity. These objectives encompass maintaining price stability, achieving full employment, and fostering sustainable economic development. Central banks hold substantial sway over the supply and cost of money and credit within an economy, thereby exerting a profound impact on its overall health. This study delves into the diverse array of techniques employed by central banks to shape and steer their economies toward these vital goals. These techniques encompass a range of monetary policy tools, including interest rate adjustments, open market operations, reserve requirements, forward guidance, and quantitative easing. While each central bank may have distinct economic objectives in their crosshairs, they often find themselves wielding similar sets of tools and adhering to similar regulatory frameworks. Interest rate adjustments are a common lever, deftly used to influence borrowing costs and finely regulate the pace of economic growth. Quantitative easing, reserve requirements, and open market operations are marshaled to meticulously control the money supply and infuse the financial system with much-needed liquidity. However, central banks do not operate in isolation; they grapple with an array of obstacles and constraints in their relentless pursuit of economic goals. These hurdles include the ever-shifting state of the global economy, the mercurial expectations of inflation, the dynamics of fiscal policies, and the intrinsic limitations of monetary instruments. Additionally, political influences and statutory requirements can occasionally impede their actions. This article offers a comprehensive synthesis of the multifaceted strategies employed by central banks to wield their influence over credit and money availability. By dissecting the instruments and practices these institutions employ, it provides valuable insights into the myriad methods used to attain economic objectives, while also illuminating the challenges and limitations that policymakers face.
Keywords :
Economic Growth, Exchange Rates, Financial Stability, Full Employment, Inflation Targeting, Interest Rates, Monetary Policy, Price Stability.
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— Social Science Chronicle (@SocSciChronicle) November 26, 2023
Author : Sedem Akorkor Deihhttps://t.co/7ga6lPxqTk